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Jono Drew, June 20 2023

The carbon footprint of single-use and reusable flexible cystoscopes in Australia


Objective: Single-use flexible cystoscopes provide a safe and cost-effective evolution to current practice. However, the environmental impact of single-use devices needs to be considered in a healthcare system that is being increasingly scrutinised for its carbon footprint. We performed a single-centre simplified lifecycle analysis to compare the carbon footprint of the single-use Ambu® aScope™ 4 Cysto System (Ambu®) with the reusable Olympus CYF-VH flexible video-cystoscope (Olympus).

Methods: Manufacturing, transportation and waste costs were calculated for the Ambu® cystoscope. Manufacturing costs incorporating the average lifecycle of the reusable cystoscope was included in the carbon footprint calculation for the Olympus reusable cystoscope as were waste costs and re-processing costs using the Soluscope 3 automatic endoscope re-processor that is used in our centre.

Results: Results demonstrate that Ambu® cystoscopes are a carbon-friendly alternative to reusable Olympus cystoscopes, with a 36% lower carbon footprint. The carbon footprint of the Ambu® scope is 1.43 kg CO2 compared with 2.22 kg CO2 for the reusable Olympus cystoscope. These results may vary from centre to centre depending on the cystoscope re-processor used.

Conclusion: The Ambu® single-use flexible cystoscopes provide a carbon-friendly alternative to Olympus CYF-VH reusable cystoscopes.

Research highlights

Methods & Results

For a complete summary of this data source and to see reported environmental impact values for studied products and activities, explore the HealthcareLCA Database.


Bischofberger S, Adshead F, Moore K, Kocaman M, Casali G, Tong C, Roy S, Collins M, Brunner W. Assessing the environmental impact of an anastomotic leak care pathway. Surgery Open Science. 2023 Jul 11.

Written by

Jono Drew

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